5 Bathroom Supplies Saving "Tipid" Tips

Bathroom supplies consumed a big amount of our daily budget. As a mom we want to have our supplies consumed up to the last drop.

Here are my five 5 Bathroom Supplies  "Tipid" Saving  Tips.

1. SOAP - stick the small used bar soap on the top of the big new soap instead of throwing it away or let it melt with water. To do this wet both soap and rub it together to make small suds and become sticky, let it dry overnight. No more waste and small soap cluttering.

Journey To Nanayhood Soap Tipid Bathroom Supplies Saving tip

2. SHAMPOO - keep your almost empty shampoo bottles upside down so that the shampoo will go to the lid part of the bottle and I will make squeezing easier and you can use your shampoo up to the last drop.

Journey To Nanayhood Shampoo Bathroom Supplies Saving Tipid

3. BODY SCRUB - use loofah for scrubbing. Instead of using the net body scrubs which worn out easily and prone to molds, loofah last longer and quick to dry.

Journey To Nanayhood Loofah  Bathroom Supplies Saving Tipid tip

4. FACIAL WASH or  BODY SCRUBS - before you throw away your empty facial wash or body scrubs tube bottle. Cut it in half and you will be surprise to see the amount of facial wash at the side of the tube bottle that you can scrape using your fingers. You can put the halves back together to keep it clean.

Journey To Nanayhood Facial Wash Tube bottle Bathroom Supplies Saving tip

5. TOOTHPASTE - invest in a good toothpaste dispenser. Among all my budol finds. This portable toothpaste dispenser is the cheapest and the most useful. It avoid toothpaste spills from accidental squeezing and space saver.

Journey To Nanayhood Tootpaste Holder  Bathroom Supplies Saving Tips

I hope you learn something useful  from my Bathroom Supplies Saving "Tipid"  Tips. If you have any tipid ideas that you want to share feel free to message me or email me at JourneyToNanayhood@gmail.com. I would like to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. nice idea for thrifty moms like me... thanks for sharing


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